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Following the inscription of Maloti Drakensberg Park World Heritage Site (MDPWHS) in 2013, the process of development of the COMPACT Site Strategy started and was finalized in 2019. The purpose of COMPACT is to engage in innovative models for engaging communities in conservation and shared governance of World Heritage sites and other protected areas and… Continue reading COMPACT


The aim of the project was to undertake Site level Assessment of Governance and Equity (SAGE) and Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool (IMET) trainings for Sehlabathebe National Park (SNP),WDPA ID 7447. The two assessments tools identified interventions for management strategies, how decisions are made, who are the actors to influence the decisions, and the responsibilities and… Continue reading BIOPAMA

Support for the Implementation of National Biosafety Framework of Lesotho (NBF) – Four Years (2011 – 2015 extended to 2018)

Scope The Project, Support for the Implementation of National Biosafety Framework for Lesotho, was designed to build capacity to implement the Biosafety Legislation of Lesotho and to meet Lesotho’s international obligations under the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. The was implemented between July 2011 and July 2018, with the following objectives; To integrate biosafety and biotechnology… Continue reading Support for the Implementation of National Biosafety Framework of Lesotho (NBF) – Four Years (2011 – 2015 extended to 2018)

Multi-Country Project to Strengthen Institutional Capacities on LMO Testing in Support of National Decision Making (MCP-ICLT) – Four Years (2017 – 2021 extended to 2022)

Scope The MCP-ICLT is a four year, UNEP-GEF funded project led by Regional Agricultural and Environmental Innovations Network-Africa (RAEIN-Africa) in collaboration with six partner countries; Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi and Mozambique. The project falls under the UNEP Medium-term Strategy (2014-2017), sub-programme on Environmental Governance, whose objective is to ensure that environmental… Continue reading Multi-Country Project to Strengthen Institutional Capacities on LMO Testing in Support of National Decision Making (MCP-ICLT) – Four Years (2017 – 2021 extended to 2022)

RAF9065- regional 4yr (2020-23) project

RAF9065- regional 4yr (2020-23) project with same focus as LES9005, establishing regulatory infrastructure in those countries where such do not exist. Focus is on drafting practice specific guides, development of a system of notification, trainings on licensing, inspection, enforcement and establishing radiation sources registry

LES9006- 2 yr (2021-22) continuation of LES9005

Focus is on establishing Radiation Protection Agency and training new staff on authorization and inspection activities.

Environmental Management for Poverty Reduction (EMPR)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipisc elit, sed do eiusm por incididut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit.

Maloti Drakensberg Tranfrontier Conservation Project (MDTP)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipisc elit, sed do eiusm por incididut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit.

Conserving Mountain Bio-diversity in Southern Lesotho (CMBSL)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipisc elit, sed do eiusm por incididut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit.

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