Below are services offered by the department.
– Providing education about the environment.
– Promoting awareness on issues concerning the environment.
– Advicing developers on projects that need Environmental Impact Assessment( EIA).
– Providing environmental clearance for projects that require EIA. .
-Monitoring ongoing projects.
– Collection and generation of environmental data.
– Coordination of environmental data exchange nationally, regionally and internationally.
– Establishment of the environmental reporting system.
– Offering permits for Harvesting and Exporting of wild plants.
– Offering permits for keeping and exporting wild animals.
– Facilitating safe collection and disposal of hazardous waste.
– Developing standards and guidelines for pollution control.
– Inspections for pollution sources and recommendation of mitigation measures.
– Coordination of Multilateral Environmental Agreements(MEAs).
– Mobilizing resources for donor funded projects and programmes related to the environment.