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The Department of Environment formarly known as the National Environment Secretatiat (NES) was established in April1994 and is currently under the ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture. The Department of Environment is a lead agency for environmental management and promotes socio-economic and environmental sustainable development.


The mandate of the Department of Environment is aligned with section 36 of the Constitution (1993), which states that: “Lesotho shall adopt policies designed to protect and enhance the natural and cultural environment of Lesotho for the benefit of both present and future generations and shall endeavour to assure all citizens a sound and safe… Continue reading Mandate


To promote and ensure that the present and future developments of the country are socio economically and environmentally sustainable.


To co-ordinate, advise , and regulate environmental management at all levels in the nation and advance the application of environmentally sound technologies and concepts. To set standards, guidelines and monitor compliance to Environmental Management Plans. To disseminate information regularly on environmental issues and ensure Lesotho’s adherence to environmental treaties and international conventions to which it… Continue reading Mission

Workshop to mainstream biotechnology and biosafety

The Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture through the National Biosafety Frameworks Project in collaboration with National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) is currently holding a workshop to mainstream biotechnology and biosafety into the training courses at primary and high school levels

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Training on monitoring environmental effects

The Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture, Department of Environment, through GEF/UNEP National Biosafety Framework Project held a training workshop to train various stakeholders from the following institutions: Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture (Environment, Information and Legal), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (Livestock, Crops and Field Services) on monitoring environmental effects of post-release… Continue reading Training on monitoring environmental effects

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Procurement of laboratory equipment

The Ministry of Tourism, Environment and Culture through the UNEP/GEF National Biosafety Frameworks Project had procured laboratory equipment that will assist the Government of Lesotho in the detection of living modified organisms/genetically modified organisms in order to make informed decisions.

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Environmental Management for Poverty Reduction (EMPR)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipisc elit, sed do eiusm por incididut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit.

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Maloti Drakensberg Tranfrontier Conservation Project (MDTP)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipisc elit, sed do eiusm por incididut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit.

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Conserving Mountain Bio-diversity in Southern Lesotho (CMBSL)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectet adipisc elit, sed do eiusm por incididut laboreLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectet adipiscing elit.

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